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Carmen A .Reid is a Certified Meditation Instructor, Reiki Practitioner and Oracle Card Reader. Specializing in practicing over 20 various meditation methods , Energy Healing and Intuitive Reading. Carmen is currently working on her PhD in Natural Health. Carmen has a Bachelors in Biological Sciences and a Master Degree in Public Health. When Carmen is not teaching class she is in the laboratory. Carmen has been a Scientist for 11years. All Self-Healing Product have been formulated by our very own GURU. Carmen has always felt that it was her obligation to help others, she founded the Self-Healing Meditation Studio to provide a safe and sacred place where she could help, heal, inspire and encourage others to be more balanced, centered and at peace within their lives.

Carmen has always had strong intuitive abilities, when she found meditation it allowed her to focus and channel her gift to continue to help and guide others.  Carmen was introduced to Tantra Mediation in 2009 during her undergrad career at Illinois State University, it was then in 2015 she revisited meditation in search to find and regain peace. Upon discovery she found that inner peace within oneself is a contagious vaccine that spreads to others. She continued to meditate alone, hosting private sessions, gaining certification and now opening the Self-Healing Meditation Studio for Group Classes.


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