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How to Face the Unknown in 2017

According to the Huffington Post, Its hard not to wonder what is going to happen In

the next year. We know that we must prepare for changes to occur but sometimes its hard to mentally wrap our minds about the change when it occurs. Life never stands still, no matter what we do, how we prepare change is in the nature of existence weather its our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideas or even relationships.

1. Accept what is- If you can change something, then do; if you can't, then let go of resistance and be with what is

2. Take risks-Life is about not having all the answers and taking chances, LIVING IN THE MOMENT

3. Be your own best friend- Its easy to blame yourself for what is wrong, but this is when you deserve the most love and kindness of all.

4. Every day is a new beginning- When you step forward you have no idea what might happen. But nothing will happen if you continue to stay where you are.

5.Keep falling as long as you keep picking yourself up- Making mistakes is not the problem, but not learning from them and moving on is.

6. Nothing lasts forever- Appreciate every moment, fully and completely, as it will never happen again.

7. Thing with your heart instead of your head- When you come from your heart you quickly come to your senses.

8. MEDITATE- Take time to just stop and breathe, to remember why you are here, and to find what is of real meaning to you.

9. Do something for someone else- Make giving to others a part of your life, even just a smile and a hug.

10. Don't take yourself too seriously- A good sense of humor prevents a hardening of your attitudes, and stops your opinions from getting too rigid.

May you find peace, joy and happiness in this New Year!

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