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Swimming to Shore

Swimming to Shore.....

I find myself constantly stuck.... stuck in my head, my thoughts, feelings, emotions and even insecurities. I struggle to try to break free some days when I’m trapped in an abyss of negative thoughts. Thoughts I am creating in my head due to fear and allow fear to overcome my fate instead of seeing my life as it is and appreciating what I have. My heart cries for my loved ones who see a woman so stuck in overwhelming emotions, they try to uplift me; motivate me but the reality is I can only save myself. I realize I have become a prisoner in deep water when I haven’t released. Meditation has saved my life countless times. When I meditate I find that peace, self-realization, zen, happiness and serenity. It’s a natural high, I feel the sun pushing all the clouds away from a dark sky allowing me to see the sun rays from the deep waters and lifting me to the top layer of the ocean drifting me back to shore.

The shore is my peace, on the shore I hear birds, I see the sun, the sound of the waves relaxes me and I feel a over powering sense of calmness. Instantly everything I was a prisoner of within myself is gone. Meditation keeps me grounded, Ive found that it saves me in ways I cannot explain, or quantify. Being trapped in your own thoughts can be extremely exhausting, paralyzing distracting and crippling, and usually when you notice it’s too late for some people. But just like everything in life we have a choice. I choose to be positive, I chose to be uplifting, and I chose to be unapologetic about my flaws and insecurities because that’s what makes me who I am. I no longer will be afraid of any loss that may come but will know that with any loss it is the universes way of preparing me for a gain. Swimming to my shore allows me to see the radiance of my physical and mental being and to never apologize for anything but to always learn, grow, teach and sow into others.

Meditation allows you to relax the body, calm the mind and speak to your soul. It has been proven to be the best healer for depression, due to permitting the mind to become more focused through different channeling processes. Fitting meditation into your life doesn’t have to be hard or complicated just consistent. Being realistic with your own struggles and imperfections is the first step in finding peace. Recognizing our hurt, our faults, our own demise that contributed in a paralyzing place where we are trying to find a treatment for release. Meditation brings awareness into your being and helps/heals everyone differently for different reasons at different times in their life.

Some of Lifes situations has been my ebola, influenza, meningitis and septicemia but mediation has been my treatment, vaccine, cure and oxygen that release me from negativity and allows me to swim to shore......where I find peace and tranquility.


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