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Accepting Change through Trauma

Everyone has experienced Trauma. Whether its an ended relationship, abandonment from grief or absence of a family member or friend, unpleasant encounters, words, ancestral or systemic unpleasantries.....we have all experienced something. I've realized its not the situation that is traumatic its the power i give it that is traumatic. The more I think, feel and manipulate myself into thinking about the situation the more horrible I paint the picture to be. As I've evolved spiritually I've learned, accepted and invited change through trauma. All experiences that I've mentioned has definitely been hard but the change I've experienced from it has been healing. There is healing in accepting, once you accept "trauma" it becomes freeing. You are no longer in the shackles of your thoughts and feeling. The change that comes from trauma starts to look like confidence, grace and peace. You become a lotus flower uncovering thousands of petals and opening yourself to new spiritual awakening. If those changes come from trauma, why wouldn't you accept the change?

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