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Search & Find

A lot of us are searching to find something. Sometimes we are searching for Purpose, searching for Peace, searching for the end of these searches we are ultimately trying to FIND ourselves. One valuable lesson I have learned during this pandemic is....."Everyone who is searching for something is NOT Lost".

It's more so important to achieve a level of acceptable first. Accept your insecurities, faults, hurt, trauma, grief, past etc. Accept that things may have happened to you in your life, some things you couldn't control and something you had control over. Accept that those experiences are now gone and while you are trying to correct some "wrongs" you are not damaged or lost. You are finding your path, you are evolving, stretching and growing into a new form of yourself. You are a Lotus flower blooming from the dirt and no matter how good or bad that dirt maybe you have and are still blooming.

You are not Lost, you are just searching and seeking this world full of discovery.

Never allow FEAR to determine your FATE

Never allow EMOTIONS to determine your ACTIONS

You define what PEACE looks like in your LIFE

You are a CO-CREATOR of your LIFE not a DESTROYER to your EXISTENCE.

Continue to Live, Learn, Love and Grow.

Continue to SEARCH

so you can help others FIND their way.


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